Historically Black Colleges and Universities

What Is the Harvard of HBCUs?

As of 2020, there were 101 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the United States. You can get a quality education at any of them, but which is the most prestigious of them all? Howard University is known as the Harvard of HBCUs. It has the most selective admissions standards of any HBCU and

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A school dress code sign.

Do Colleges Have Dress Codes?

If you’re coming from a high school with a strict dress code, you might be looking for a college where the rules are more relaxed and you are free to express yourself through your clothing. You might be wondering: Do colleges have dress codes? If that’s the case, you’re in luck. Most colleges in the

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Males and females.

Colleges That Offer Sexology Degrees

Sexual attraction, sexual behavior, and sexual identity are not always well understood by the general public. Professionals who study sexology strive to increase awareness and understanding of human sexuality. There are a handful of colleges across the United States that offer degrees in sexology or a related field, including the University of Michigan, the University

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Aerial shot of MIT's campus.

Is MIT an Ivy League School?

There are eight schools in the Ivy League. They are Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. These eight schools are some of the most prestigious and selective colleges in the country. Many people believe that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is also an Ivy League school. That’s because,

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