FSU campus shot.

Best Dorms at FSU

Florida State University has a growing reputation and an active campus in one of the most sought-after regions of the country. It has shot up the U.S. News rankings in recent years, and its acceptance rate has fallen below 30%. Simply put, FSU is a place where people want to be. If you’re headed to […]

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Kyle Field exterior

Best Dorms at Texas A&M

Texas A&M is a top university with an excellent reputation and a rabid alumni base. Its graduates don’t say, “I went to Texas A&M.” They say, “I’m an Aggie.” If you want to attend a college that gets into your blood and becomes part of who you are, this is the place for you. TAMU

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A street in Santa Barbara.

Best Dorms at UCSB

If you’re looking for a top-tier university with great academics, plenty of opportunities for extracurricular involvement, and a breathtaking campus overlooking the Pacific that has to be seen to be believed, then there’s no better school in the country than UC Santa Barbara. Not only is UC Santa Barbara a beautiful campus with a thriving

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Dog relaxing on bed with girl

Good Dogs for College Students

Going away to college is exciting, but leaving your beloved dog behind isn’t. If you’re a dog person, the idea of four or more years in a pet-free living environment might sound lonely and empty. Fortunately, more colleges are allowing students to bring dogs to campus. That means you might not have to say goodbye

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Student taking standardized test

Does GPA Affect SAT Score?

Your GPA and SAT score are two of the most important factors in your college admissions profile. Together, they let colleges know your academic potential and how effectively you’ve applied that potential throughout high school. If both scores are high, you’ll have plenty of options for college. People sometimes ask if these scores impact each

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Empty high school classroom

Do Colleges Look at 10th Grade?

There is a big difference between a 10th grader and a college-bound senior. Consider that the youngest students in many 10th grade classes are still only 14 years old on the first day of school. For that reason, education experts question how much sophomore year grades should count toward college. With that said, though, almost

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College acceptance letter

HBCUs With High Acceptance Rates

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have a long and proud history of providing a quality education to African American students. But many HBCUs have high barriers to entry in the form of low acceptance rates and stringent admissions standards. The most prestigious HBCUs, such as Howard University, admit less than half their applicants. Other

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